Princess Catherine and Prince William furious with Camilla's rude response to little Princess Charlotte
News   15/09/2024   126

Reports suggest that Camilla’s disrespectful treatment has left William deeply confused as he navigates his royal duties. He is under pressure as he attempts to reform the structure of the royal family, facing opposition from Camilla and her relatives.

Camilla’s opposition has sparked criticism over William’s plans to cut costs and create a more cohesive royal family. Insiders have revealed that she has interfered with William’s decisions and pressured King Charles to reconsider his son’s initiatives. Her concerns appear to stem from the financial implications for her family and her desire to influence how William and Catherine raise their children, especially Charlotte.

Sources say Camilla has been critical of their parenting, viewing Charlotte as less important in the royal hierarchy. This tension became apparent at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, when Camilla publicly reprimanded Charlotte. Camilla then suggested sending Charlotte and George to boarding school earlier than planned, surprising William and Catherine, who saw it as an intrusion.

Camilla's criticism also extended to the care of all three Welsh children, expressing displeasure at their behaviour at royal events. William was reportedly disturbed by Camilla's comments about his parenting, believing the Middletons provided a nurturing environment for them. He insisted that Charlotte would not be treated as a spare member of the royal family, and trusted Princess Anne and Sophie to guide him.

William has made it clear that he does not want Camilla involved in his children's lives, seeing her as his father's wife rather than a stepmother. He maintains this boundary out of respect for his mother, Diana. There are differing opinions on Camilla’s role, with some seeing her actions as being in the best interests of the family and others as overstepping the mark.

Overall, William and Camilla’s relationship highlights the challenges of balancing personal and royal duties in the modern British Royal Family. William remains committed to ensuring his children are happy and well-prepared for their future roles.

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