Princess Catherine beams with pride as son George receives new title from Prince William
News   18/09/2024   201

As Prince George grows up, he will step into the spotlight as the future heir to the British throne. When his father, Prince William, ascends the throne, George will gain a number of new titles, including the notable one of Prince of Wales.

The death of Queen Elizabeth on September 8, 2022 has led to major changes in the royal family, including a change in titles while King Charles is currently reigning. Following this event, Charles appointed Prince William as the new Prince of Wales, a role he shares with Princess Katherine. William is following in his father's footsteps, having held the title of Prince of Wales longer than anyone else in history. Therefore, when William eventually becomes king, Prince George will inherit the title of Prince of Wales.

The transition may not happen immediately, but the young prince will receive an impressive list of titles as he is second in line to the throne. Now 11, after celebrating his birthday on July 22, George is next in line after his father, Prince William. An official photo taken on his birthday has sparked discussion about his mature and calm appearance. When William becomes king, Prince George will officially become the 28th Prince of Wales and will also immediately take on the title of Prince of Cornwall. William will be responsible for officially bestowing upon George the title of Prince of Wales, which includes the additional titles of Earl of Chester and Lord High Steward of Scotland. He will also have access to the important Duchy of Cornwall estate, which has traditionally supported the royal family financially.

There have been 27 people who have held the title of Prince of Wales, including notable figures such as King Henry VII and King Edward VII. As Princess Katherine and Prince William gradually involve George in royal duties, they have also encouraged him to make his own choices. They are dedicated to giving Prince George, along with his siblings Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, as normal a childhood as possible, without imposing expectations on his future role.

William and Katherine are preparing George for the throne by not pressuring him to join the army, unlike King Charles, who had a more strict upbringing. Instead, they aim to give him the skills to shape his own future. While introducing him to royal responsibilities, they support his independence and hope he will pursue a university education. Their goal is to ensure that he, Charlotte and Louis receive a typical education, without the burden of fate.

Today, Prince George enjoys the perks of high society living, socialising with Katherine's family, the Middletons and friends such as Ralph Toes. William has taken him to events such as football matches, while Katherine has taken him to Wimbledon. These experiences allowed him to have fun and meet a variety of people, helping him gain confidence and enter the public sphere.

Hoàng tử George cảnh báo bạn học 'hãy coi chừng' vì cha mình sẽ làm vua

Traditionally, heirs to the British throne are raised in a more structured environment, reflecting the tradition of service to the Crown. While this future may seem far-fetched, William and Katherine’s approach to raising George ensured that he would be groomed at his own pace, benefiting from a loving family and the freedom to forge his own path. Meanwhile, George continued to live as a high-class child, enjoying time with his siblings, spending time with his grandparents and making occasional public appearances. As the royal family grew, so did the role of the future king, with Prince George representing a new chapter in the long and rich history of the British Royal Family.

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