Princess Catherine fumes as Camilla makes rude remarks to Prince Louis about Prince William's big plans
News   28/09/2024   425

An insider has claimed that Princess Catherine was furious at comments made by Queen Camilla about Prince Louis's behaviour when she returned home from intensive care.

Queen Camilla's request has sparked a strong reaction from Princess Catherine, who is beginning to resume her life and responsibilities after successful treatment. However, Camilla's involvement in raising Prince Louis has overshadowed her joy at her recovery. Princess Catherine's battle with the disease has caused considerable concern for the royal family and others.

After intensive care, she has refocused on her life, but her return to royal duties has been met with challenges. A reliable source said that Queen Camilla recently met with Catherine to discuss Prince Louis' education, aiming to prepare him for royal life as William works to raise a new generation of royals. During the discussion, Camilla expressed concern about Louis's behaviour, suggesting that he could be difficult, and advised Catherine to stop him from imitating Prince Harry, who had stepped back from royal duties and caused problems in the family.

Catherine reacted with shock and anger to Camilla's comments, especially the comparison to Harry and the implication that Louis might need to attend boarding school to develop better etiquette. This upset her deeply, as she had always tried to create a loving environment for her children. This was a particularly difficult time for her following her recent health struggles. Catherine wanted her return to public duties to be a moment of celebration, not criticism.

She stressed that she hoped her children would grow into good individuals before stepping into their royal roles. She believed that Duchess Sophie and Princess Anne would be great mentors for Louis. Catherine values ​​kindness and emotional intelligence over strict adherence to royal traditions. This contrasts with Camilla's traditionalist views, who favoured boarding schools.

This is not the first time Camilla has voiced concerns about Catherine's children. Records show she was worried about Charlotte at Queen Elizabeth's funeral. Tensions have been rising, particularly after Camilla decided not to have Louis as a page at Charles' coronation, opting instead for her nephews. The decision angered both Catherine and Anne as it seemed to flout royal customs.

Recent reports suggest that Camilla is trying to regain influence in the royal family after William's reshuffle, which removed her relatives from royal roles. Her efforts to consolidate her position have been met with resistance, particularly from King Charles, who prefers William's leadership. These power struggles led to growing discord, including over Camilla’s involvement in Louis’s upbringing.

The anticipation of Charles’ coronation added to the tension between Camilla and Catherine. Although their relationship had improved after William married Catherine, it had deteriorated since Elizabeth’s death. The late queen’s decision to give her jewellery collection to Catherine rather than Camilla added to the tension. Reports indicate that Camilla appeared upset at the coronation when no family members bowed to her, highlighting the ongoing discontent over her status.

In response to these internal conflicts, the Welsh family has shown solidarity. Their public appearances, including a video marking Catherine’s return from confinement, signalled their commitment to each other and their royal duties, against outside interference. Public reaction was mixed; some sympathized with Catherine, while others felt Camilla's concerns were well-founded given her royal experience.

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