Princess of Wales Catherine 'slowly preparing' Prince George for throne without overwhelming future King
News   16/09/2024   216

Royal parenting is changing under the reign of King Charles III, with Catherine, Princess of Wales, said to be leading the new approach, which emphasises “slow preparation”.

“Normally he has enjoyed a more upper-middle-class lifestyle, spending a lot of time with Kate and the Middletons,” notes royal analyst Phil Dampier. “But he is maturing quickly and William and Kate are preparing him for his future responsibilities.”

After celebrating his 11th birthday on 22 July, the official photograph of Prince George released that day has prompted many commentators to comment on his maturity and composure.

Body language expert Judi James praised Prince William in her analysis, stating, "Thanks to William's careful and thoughtful guidance, George has grown from a shy boy to a more confident, responsible and playful eleven-year-old."

Traditionally, heirs to the British throne are raised in stricter structures and in a more public life, adhering to the long-standing British royal tradition of lifelong service. In contrast, the future King George VII had a less burdensome childhood than his father's upbringing in the 1980s and 1990s. Many royal commentators have attributed the change to the influence of the future queen, in line with contemporary social norms.

"Shouting of any kind is strictly forbidden among the children and any sign of loud voices is dealt with by elimination," an insider from the Welsh estate revealed.

While traditional methods of discipline such as spanking are said to be banned, William and his future queen employ a distinct discipline strategy.

"When a child misbehaves, they are removed from the disruptive environment and dealt with by Kate or William," the source explained. "They clarify the situation and state the consequences without raising their voice."

The Prince and Princess of Wales prioritise their three children over everything else, including royal duties, marking a significant shift from previous generations who adhered to a "duty comes first" philosophy. However, the next king and queen have made sure that this focus does not lead to coddling their children.

“They are being raised with an awareness of royal customs and etiquette,” Jo Frost of Supernanny told a media outlet in February. “They understand that there is a time and place for different behaviours… They maintain an interesting balance and behind closed doors they definitely engage in sibling play, teasing, enjoying themselves, baking biscuits and being out in nature.”

This approach to parenting is expected to continue in the coming years, with the Princess of Wales at the forefront.

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